The Religion Of Conformity – By AronGoch



A Woman was designed

TO FEEL … that means to be free indeed



A woman dreams .. with her heart, dreams of passion,

beauty and peace on earth.

A woman cries .. tears when she’s wounded…replaced with
smiles when she knows she will heal soon.






How in many ways society targets each individual from their youth into their later adult years, supplying the individual with a fictional character, by which they are play out their role in society, minimizing their own unique individuality, their own purpose of life and reconnection to their higher self and the divine.

The religion of conformity, how the child is forced to adjust to societies standards, to avoid abandonment, to find love and approval of their family and friends.

How we are trained to lose and dispose of our own authenticity, and to distort our own image of reality so in order to be a player in the game of society.

How society has been set up, to be used as a distraction, from our own emotions, and true feelings about the contorted reality.

We use numbing agents, such as food, work, fashion, TV, shopping, ect so to suppress the pain that is experienced from having to conform as a child to our cultures, and not have been afforded the opportunity of discovering and expressing our inner self,

We hide behind the pain, which keeps us from our own self development, and overcoming the conditioning and programing of society, and there for we move further away from reconnecting with our authentic self, and our higher purpose.




